ZIMACO-PRO is an innovative foliare fertilizer of trace elements Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Sulphur and Nitrogen with the addition of an IDHA agent. It is a product of Tracegrow Oy and is applied to a variety of crops
Nominal average total nutrient content
Zinc : 25 gr/l (2.0%)
Manganese : 28 gr/l (2.3%)
Copper : 9 gr/l (0.7%)
Sulphur : 40 gr/l (3,3%)
Total nitrogen : 92gr/l (7,5%)
Nitrogen urate : 92gr/l (7.5%)
pH 3.3
Density : 1,23 Kg/l
IDHA is a natural, fully biodegradable chelating agent that does not accumulate in the soil.
Partially chelated, sulphate-based solution that is effectively absorbed by the leaves of plants.
It mixes well with common herbicides, fungicides and other agrochemicals.
Effective for conventional and organic crops.
It contains no solid particles and is completely water soluble.
No clogging of the filters of the sprayer nozzles.
No mechanical damage to the spraying equipment
ZIMACO-PRO is effective for correcting micronutrient deficiencies in crops with foliare apply and since it is partially chelated, it is also effectively absorbed by the soil. It can also be used to correct deficiencies in the early stages as a seed dressing nutrient or mixed with other fertilizers such as granular NPK or UAN solutions.
The correction of micronutrient deficiencies
improves the uptake of other nutrients by plants
components, such as nitrogen. Except zinc,
manganese and copper, ZIMACO-PRO also contains sulphur, which offers many benefits for all crops, and nitrogen in urea form.
IDHA is a natural, fully biodegradable
chelating agent, which does not accumulate in the soil like other chelating agents, such as EDTA.IDHA chelating agent is suitable for organic crops because of its biodegradation capacity.
ZIMACO-PRO works great in mixtures
tanks and has been proven to work well with
phenoxy herbicides, such as MCPA.The spray
micronutrients and plant protection products
products at the same time, it saves spraying time and as a result fuel costs. The excellent
intake of ZIMACO-PRO in combination with the small
of the installment makes it very economical.
ZIMACO-PRO is approved for organic farming in Finland. Tracegrow’s technology is patented and its production follows ISO 9001 and 14001 standards.
Dosage: 100-150 cc/ha with at least 20 Lit water per acre
For more information and updates please contact us at: [email protected] or at tel. 2410671785 mob.+306944415412 6944415412.