Terrabiotec Technologies

Resistance of the root system to pathogen attacks

Αναγέννηση κυτάρων ριζικού συστήματος που έχουν υποστεί βλάβη από παθογόνα

Factors influencing root system resistance to pathogen attack Because the roots are hidden beneath the soil surface, it is often forgotten that they contribute the most to high yields. There are different types of root systems. The 2 main root systems are the taproot and the fibrous or papillary root systems. The stake root system […]

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Disease reduction through biological soil control

κύκλος πολλαπλασισμού παθογόνων μυκήτων

Disease reduction through biological soil control with processes that favour beneficial microorganisms Biological control consists of using living organisms or their components (pheromones, toxins, stimulants, extracellular enzymes, etc.) to suppress or, failing that, control populations of harmful organisms. In agricultural production systems, pathogenic species multiply, sometimes without limit, when they no longer encounter their natural

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Phosphorus release


Factors affecting the availability of phosphorus in plants After nitrogen, phosphorus (P) is the second element responsible for crop yields and quality. Its role in the development of roots is well known. The optimisation of phosphate fertilisers remains a key issue. This optimisation must be done according to agronomic, economic and ecological objectives, which are

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Increasing the storage capacity of fertilisers in the soil

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How glomalin and its effect on the clay-humus complex enhance the increase of fertilizer storage capacity We have seen that humus is formed on the surface of the soil and that clay is formed at depth. Now let’s see how these 2 elements combine to form the clay-oil complex (clay-humic complex). Humus plays a major

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Retention of fertilisers in the soil

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The mechanism for retaining fertiliser in the soil and preventing leaching into the lower layers. Since humus is formed at the surface, let us now see how the clays are formed at depth. To form clays, the roots will dissolve the parent rock, stones and pebbles in the soil, secreting very strong organic acids called

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Plant nutrition through organic matter

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The conversion of soil organic matter into humus by beneficial decomposers. The job of the microbial flora is to consume organic matter, reducing it to faecal pellets, i.e. extremely small elements. Fungi, which are the main producers of humus and the only organisms capable of consuming lignin, will step in to convert the organic matter

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